Entries already posted

To make a beginning: I just uploaded something that I could think of being a contest entry (draft - right out of the word processor).

No idea wether it is good, suitable or bad, too long, too short, too technical, too verbose, …

Someone has to be the first … there was no example present for me :’( … so I may serve as one :-[

FlyingGuns contest entry

Comments? Others?

Well since I don’t own star-office, can’t read your submission. HTML or TXT is more universal and free and works on Macs too.

I didn’t even now what that file extension was until I hunted it down on the web. :wink:

works on Macs

Added a PDF export of the same document :slight_smile:

wiederke posted his entry:




It seems to me that quite a few of the contestants listed did not submit anything at all. :frowning:

Deadlines not up yet, but it’s pretty likely a lot of people would have failed to get as far as they planned, given up, ran out of time, etc. The contest had a pretty short time limit and I assume most of the entries that do make it are going to be games that are already released, or at least had been in the works before the contest was announced. I’m sure there are going to be entries right up to the last hour (not from me, I plan to go to sleep at a reasonable-ish hour, I think my nightmares of preparing for this contest are over).

I only learned about the competition a month ago. I threw together a phone game that I’ve posted. It would have been nice to have a couple of extra weeks, but such is my luck. I didn’t get to fix the graphics and a couple of other things I would have liked to change, but I ran out of time.

Compared to the games I downloaded to my phone to see what the field was like, I’m happy with the simplicity of my game. The controls suck on phones, so making a complex game leads to cramped hands while playing it. So I made a game that only used the arrows. It’s a little buggy still, and needs some optimization, but I threw it up in the folder for all to enjoy. I hope I submitted it right.