Entity update and render optimization in 2D map

i have a problem with my android game.
It is almost finished but now i have to optimize it to works well on most of devices.
The problem is that i have to update about 80 entities (monsters) each frame and render them. So one for cycle to update them and one to render them.
On devices like galaxy s3, galaxy nexus and others recent devices it works well but in the others, entities update and render process is slows down the game.

I’m using a 48x48 2D tile map and a fixed 60fps time step.
What do you suggest me? How can i efficiently update entities?

so generic question, impossible help you in this way

are you able to identify the slow part of your application?

divide et impera:
analyze your software
identify part that are slow
verify the possible solution (this can be question to be inserted in the forum)

I already tried that.
The slow part of the game is cycle 80 entities two times for each frame.

What sort of things are you doing for each entity every update?

Consider if there are events that could be grouped together.

Classic example: Only check for collision when there has been movement. No need to check for collision if the object is stationary.

In case of a bullet, let the bullet check for collisions when it moves and inform the object it collides with of the collision.

Without code we can’t really help you analyze the situation.

No you didn’t. You don’t even know whether it is the rendering or the logic update that is slow.

[quote]analyze your software
identify part that are slow

verify the possible solution
And if a 48 by 48 grid with 80 entities is too slow to run at 60 fps, then I doubt you can even call it optimization. Something is seriously wrong with your code if that is too much for it.