Hello experts
Maybe few of you remember me with my half-fail(or probably full-fail) game which I released like half year ago(or more). I have learned a lot from making it and was regaining forces during half year to start everything from scratch. Sorry for off top, going now directly to the questions.
I have started making new game engine and I want to enhance it with scripting capabilities. I want be able to use scripting on the map(for now adding new NPCs, objects and items, some map events) and NPC AI programming. I have already read some documentation of Groovy and Jyton, most likely to use Groovy, it appeared to me more attractive, unless some of you could give me advice using any other scripting language. This was the first question… The second question which I have is about embedding the script. The way I’m thinking to do this for the map for example is:
i) I create the map object with some tiles
ii) In separate file I create the script, which will have access to the map object, granted by embed mechanisms in my server code
iii) I place the script file only on the server and when some event occur I send the data to the client
Do I think correctly? Can you correct me and point the right way of doing this?
Thank you in advance,