Enable software rendering in JOGL

Hi all,

how can I force software rendering in JOGL ?

I’m using GLJPanel and I want to have a software fallback in my software.

Other question, I know TextRenderer wouln’t work with a OpenGL 1.1 version (sofware), is it a workaroud to render TextRenderer in software as well ?


When you select a pixel format descriptor (pfd) you need to pick one that says isn’t accelerated.

How did you manage to select the pdf with a GLJPanel?

I tried to use a GLCapabilitiesChooser but it seems it is never use with a GLJPanel. Actyally, its chooseCapabilities method is never called.

For now the only solution I found to disable hardaware rendring is to use the flag “-jogl.gljpanel.nohw” before starting JOGL.