Elven Hunt 4k

Here comes Elven Hunt 4k
Another typing challenge where all names are generated using an Elven name database.


Comments are welcome. ;D

What a way to learn to type fast ;D

With a bigger viewport, it would be even better, as you could see more enemies, so you can add more enemies that run at you at the same time, forcing you to constantly type. With this smaller viewport it’s either idling or typing so fast it aint funny :slight_smile:

Very addicting, had 5-6 attempts, 333 on stress level. Actually its good typing practice typing in names you’re not familar with…

Thanks for the comments!

I like the idea of a bigger viewport. At first the mage had some hitpoints so there was a way to have many enemies on screen at the same time, but I had to get ride of it to fit on the 4k :\

Wow My best score so far is 259 on the stress level. ::slight_smile:

Very cool game :slight_smile: Nice graphics, I had lots of fun.

310pts for stresstest. With some practive we could do better :smiley:

Fun stuff. Silly graphics :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

457 on stress test… Dunno how I pulled that one out (have you slowed it down?)… Couple of days ago was getting around the 300-350mark every time until they all converge on you… Maybe just 10 years of touchtyping paying off. Always stumble on the “ae” name combinations, not used to em… Enuf for tonite…

Nice one! Maybe the game was lagging?
I didn’t make any modification, I’m working on a second entry for now… I know that the Real mode is twice faster then the test mode maybe you got used to the real mode.