electronics: inverter

Hi , im trying to build an inverter to produce high voltage and I wandering if this circuit design will work . Im quite new to electronics.
http://gyazo.com/3fe3f5fe24ae8199a35f61004daf0ed6 ((wouldnt let me put it as an image :frowning: ))

Wrong forum?

You can’t use just any transistor for it. And try not to kill yourself. Seriously. About 10mA through the heart and you’re done for.

Moved to Misc. :point:

Hey it’s Nevir :stuck_out_tongue:

And electronics on a java forum?

Since the advent of the Raspberry Pi and the embedded JDK for ARM, electronics is back on the menu :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

just dont touch it with both your hands then at most it will just hurt you.
Did you try to simulate the circuit with SPICE (or some other circuit simulator). How is the middle part between the two transforms connected to ground?
And you didnt specify what you want to do with the circuit…
If you “just” want high voltages i recommend the “greinacher multiplier” circuit. You can make tasers and such with it 8)