EEClone - inspired by Every Extend


I am teaching a seminar on game programming, and I have developed a sample application for use as a case study. The game is inspired by Every Extend, and I find it fun to play despite its limitations. Some of the limitations are due to time (e.g. lack of bosses or time-cued enemies), and others are intentional, being left as exercises for the class (e.g. extending my ogg player to support looping). You can play the game via Java WebStart or through an executable jar. I share it with you for your enjoyment.

Please note that development of EEClone has halted as other tasks have taken priority, and I may not revisit it until the next time this seminar comes around. You need not bother sending detailed error reports… just enjoy the game for what it is. :wink:


A Ween soundtrack! Awesome! Worth it for that alone. I blogged about it over on Puppygames :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile: