Eclipse with SDL - how to

If there is topic like that, please tell me (I didn’t found any).

Could anyone told me step by step how to integrate my procet (existing) with SDL library for java (sdljava)?

Sorry for my english

I’m assuming this sdljava contains necessary JAR files and native DLL, SO, and DYLIB files? If so, then it’s best to simply put all the JAR files in a folder called “libs” in your project root and then put all the natives in a folder “natives” under “libs”. After that you right click the project, choose “Build Path”, choose “Configure Build Path”. Under the “Projects” tab, click on “Add JARs” and highlight all your JARs. Then expand the main sdljava JAR, double click on “Native Library Location”, click on “Workspace”, and choose the “natives” folder. You’re done setting up the build path :slight_smile:


A friend of mine wrote a tutorial in French about SDL in Java. He used it during several months and told me it is quite very buggy. Maybe you should plan to use something else.

I try this simple program (to check SDL):

import sdljava.*;

class HelloSDL {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final String caption = "Hello, SDL!";

		try {
			SDLVideo.wmSetCaption(caption, caption);
			SDLSurface screen = SDLVideo.setVideoMode(640, 480, 24, 0);

		} catch (Exception e) {
		} finally {

When I run it it says:

Hello, SDL!
Native code library failed to load.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\JavaSDL\lib\SDLJava.dll: Can’t load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

I load SDl.dll (64bit), but I can’t find SDLJava.dll 64bits.


SDLJava has not been updated since 2005-09-16, I have not succeeded in finding the missing DLL. Are you really sure you still want to use this library? You can do the same things with JogAmp (JOGL + JOAL + JOCL) and some high level libraries like Paul Lamb Sound System.

It’s not like SDL has changed much since 2005 either (1.3 still isn’t out) … but my fuzzy recollection is that SDLJava never worked very well in the first place.

Intel macs have been released and become widespread since then though. I doubt SDLJava works on any modern OSX machine…

That’s what I meant in my previous comment. My friend wrote a tutorial about it in 2009 and told me that it was already quite buggy.