Eclipse/SWT Label overlayed on JOGL GLCanvas

I need to overlay a Label(transparent background) on JOGL… I have my OpenGL rendering fine but cannot figure out how to get the Java to draw on top.

I may be wrong, but I think you can’t overlay over a GLCanvas. You can use a GLJPanel instead, wich is slower.

how much slower is a GLJPanel??? I am using Eclipse/SWT and integrating into an existing project so a total re-write of the Eclipse project is not possible. Are transparent Java object just a drop-in at that point or is it just a guess that it might work?

I’m also using AWT but I use swing components when I want to. You can mix awt and swing components if you like. I’ve managed to change the GLCanvas by a GLJPanel changing only 5 lines of a file.

And yes, I’ve managed to put a JLabel over the GLJPanel, and the label background is transparent.

The framerate drops roughly to one half for me.

But then some problems arise: The GLJPanel key event listener don’t work (it should, though I’m using the same code as for the GLCanvas), and the TextRenderers I use get mad when the window is resized.

Hope that helps.

Edit: unfortunately if I change the JLabel by a Label, then the label background is not transparent.