Eclipse - Lag when accessing libraries

Hi all,
When I am using Eclipse and call a gl function by typing gl and then the dot and it brings up a list of all accessible functions (sorry I can’t remember what this is called) there is a few seconds of lag. When I use netbeans or other IDEs this doesn’t happen. So how do I make it go away, do I need to increase its allocated memory or something else? Thank you for your help.

Are you looking for the word ‘code-completion’ ?

Eclipse has a somewhat high latency for displaying it as it’s default configuration you can change it under preferences:

java -> editor -> content assist

under auto activation, auto activation delay.

if it’s still being slow then it’s performance related and you should try filtering packages you don’t use
Java -> appearance -> type filters.

Thank you, that was both the word and solution I was looking for. ;D