Eclipse Juno

lol! I don’t think there was a final answer to it. This entire thread has been “i hate this”/“i love this”.

So far:

  • the new UI is ugly: you can change it back
  • it’s much slower/sluggish: it felt faster for the majority of us

… anything else? :stuck_out_tongue:

Are those not good enough reasons (besides also that it has regressed in functionality slightly with the UI)?

Cas :slight_smile:

It is slower, across the board. Eg, switching tabs is slower. Also, if I have 35 tabs open (this inevitably happens) and I hit close all, I can watch it close tabs: 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, etc. My computer is extremely fast, it is Juno that is slow. It bugs me, but I’m still using it, mostly because it is configured how I like and I don’t want to lose time reconfiguring an older version.

Yep. True.

It really seems slower to me too, ra4king :stuck_out_tongue:
(really MUCH slower than the old version)
The example with the tabs is the best…
I just measured the time for closing one tab in Java, which has only 559 lines of code.
Took 1.12 seconds…

I’m baffled as to how this release made it out the door. It’s like somebody doesn’t care.

Cas :slight_smile:

Its this phenomenon again of, lets make it subjectively prettier and dont care about performance.
Like what happens with all apps and websites over time - they get bloated, slow and “pretty”

I guess what happens is that with the increase in hardware power, concerns over performance are minimized, and everyone likes shiny things (at first). Just as with games, new tech makes developers get comfortable with sloppier designs.

It’s the reason I love to set restrictions on my game development (like developing for NES graphics, or limited control schemes), and why I admire the 4k contest.

Of course, I’d also recommend patience. It’s a new version, and will probably get bugfixed and optimized with time.

I’m personally not noticing these performance issues, to be honest. Maybe I’m used to random slowdowns at work (old computer + multiple IDEs open = glacial UI speeds), or maybe IDE interface doesn’t have much impact on my personal workflow. So I’m willing to give the devs the benefit of the doubt, and hope for patches.

No way. Apple was like that from the start. :wink:

I don’t mind it. Is there any new functionality that I might want? I don’t see it running very much slower, apart from fading effects taking up some time, but that’s just the nature of fading I guess?

Our crappy old XP machines at work seem to be coping fine with 4.2, if anything, it seems a little faster to me, but that might be to do with how many plugins I have installed and the fact that my workspace has less open projects so far.


I’m using a vanilla Juno install, on a Win7 Core i7 packed with RAM, jdk7 with some special tweaks, and the whole system is running off an SSD drive. It’s still a monster of a machine. I just don’t get how they could have managed to slow it down so much and not notice.

Cas :slight_smile:

The results seem to vary, so its likely something that triggers the sluggishness on specific machines, not all. When it is fast on slow machines and slow on fast machines - there must be a disturbance in the force.

Aye, I wonder if it’s linked to something project / person specific, like number of projects in a workspace. Or having a slightly non-typicaly workspace layout with projects in multiple dir locations. I’m sure it’ll get caught soon enough.

It’s now slowed down on my work machine too, no idea what triggered it, but it does only appear to be when changing tabs.


Well, it runs a tiny bit slower on my Mac that is ~6 years old, if I turn the stupid animations off. :expressionless: I kept for the tasks, and some new error warnings. But, I must ask. Was I the only one that actually liked the old UI?

No, I liked it too. So that makes at least two of us 8)

Cas :slight_smile:

Well, that’s a relief. :smiley:

I have decided I preferred the old UI too. I have switched it back under the settings :slight_smile:

Another vote for the old UI here :slight_smile:

Another thing, sometimes I ctrl+shift+b, sometimes I double click line numbers to set a breakpoint. If you double a pixel to the left of the line numbers (but not 2 pixels!), then it maximizes the window. Super awesome, and always what I want!

I still use Eclipse Indigo and Intellij. I havn’t tried Eclipse Juno much yet, but from what I’ve seen I don’t need to upgrade any time soon. (However, I am a shallow person who only sees things skin deep, primarily women.)