eclipse detail formatters when debugging in a WTK?

Has anyone managed to get the eclipse “detail formatter” working when debugging a midlet in the WTK?
I simply receive a “java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException occurred invoking method.” when eclipse tries to evaluate an Object type.

I’ve tried overriding the default detail formatter behaviour of calling “toString()”, but it seems as though having any kind of statement in the detail formatter, that requires access to runtime will cause it to fail.

In addition to this, there are several problems with conditional break points.

  1. Conditional break points cannot contain references to named constant values. (e.g. public static final int CHEESE = -1;)
    If they do, an “Exception processing async thread queue java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException” will occur when the break point is encountered.

  2. If you break midlet execution,
    setup a conditional break point,
    disable the conditional break point,
    resume the emulator,
    re-enable the conditional break point.
    Eclipse will lose its connection with the emulator, resulting in the emulator hanging (presumably awaiting a response from eclipse)

Can anyone offer work-arounds for any of these limitations in the WTK emulator?

The only solution I can think of, is to completely throw out the WTK, and replace it with a few sets of midp libraries that are built upon J2SE, and run within a standard J2SE VM.
As the additional features offered by the WTK are all but useless anyway, I think such a solution would stream-line development enormously.
I’m amazed there isn’t an open-source project that has attempted this already???

Has no-one else come across this enormous limitation of the WTK?!?!?