Eclipes Help

Hi All,

I’ve been using eclipes for about 4 months now…
I’m absolutely loving it :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Just just have a few questions and was wondering
if anyone had the solutions to them:

  1. Is there a to have 2 console windows ?? Suppose
    I want to run to programs at once and be able to
    look at their System output. Is there a way to do

  2. Is there a way to set a limit on the number of console
    output kept? It get annoying after a while when you
    have to remember to click on “Remove all terminated”
    once in a while.

  3. Is there a way to change the Java Persective such
    that the packages are in a tree like structure?? More
    like the Resource view. I know when the project is
    linked to a VSS repository, it will be displayed in a
    tree like structure… It there a way to configure all
    projects to look like that??

  4. I seem to have a great deal of problem creating
    manifest files and exporting my project with it.
    It seems that the manifest file I want the project
    to include when I export as a jar, always gets
    over written by some generic manifest file.

Thanks for your time.

    • you can set it to auto remove the threads before you debug again.
  1. yes - context menu in that view should have a tree option

  1. You can only have one instance of any view open at a time. So, no, you cannot have two consoles open at once. But you can have multiple applications running and switch between them in a single console view via the menu that you’re talking about in #2.

  2. Personally, I use ant to perform “distribution” builds of my software (which includes generating the Manifest). Are you using this technique:

to generate the manifest?

While we’re on the subject of Eclipse, has anyone else noticed the console output getting out of step at times? It only seems to happen when i’m doing a lot of System.out’s in a short period of time, but messages that cannot be in any other order start appearing with the wrong one first, or big clumps together at the same time and other oddities.
Intermingling System.out with System.err seems to make things worse, but i might just be imagining that.

Would be nice if i could define my own keywords for syntax highlighting, but i can’t find a way to configure this anywhere ???

Orangy Tang: err and out will most certainly appear out of order. out is buffered whereas err is not.

As for the bottling up, this is typically because of the way that Display.asyncExec() works – i.e. the way that an external thread (your app) communicates with Eclipse (the console view).