duss it work?

Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) occurred at PC=0x807883F

NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
reason and solutions.

Current Java thread:
at net.java.games.joal.ALCImpl.openDeviceNative(Native Method)
at net.java.games.joal.ALCImpl.alcOpenDevice(ALCImpl.java:53)
at openaldemo.Main.main(Main.java:22)

Dynamic libraries:
0x00400000 - 0x00407000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\bin\javaw.exe
0x77F50000 - 0x77FF7000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ntdll.dll
0x77E60000 - 0x77F46000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
0x77DD0000 - 0x77E5D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x78000000 - 0x78086000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x77D40000 - 0x77DCC000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
0x77C70000 - 0x77CB0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
0x77C10000 - 0x77C63000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll
0x76390000 - 0x763AC000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.DLL
0x629C0000 - 0x629C8000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\LPK.DLL
0x72FA0000 - 0x72FFA000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\USP10.dll
0x08000000 - 0x08136000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
0x76B40000 - 0x76B6C000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINMM.dll
0x10000000 - 0x10007000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\jre\bin\hpi.dll
0x00830000 - 0x0083E000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\jre\bin\verify.dll
0x00840000 - 0x00858000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\jre\bin\java.dll
0x00860000 - 0x0086D000 C:\JBuilderX\jdk1.4\jre\bin\zip.dll
0x02C50000 - 0x02C5F000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\joal.dll
0x02C80000 - 0x02D63000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenAL32.dll
0x771B0000 - 0x772D1000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
0x76C90000 - 0x76CB2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\imagehlp.dll
0x6D510000 - 0x6D58D000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DBGHELP.dll
0x77C00000 - 0x77C07000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
0x76BF0000 - 0x76BFB000 C:\WINDOWS\System32\PSAPI.DLL

Heap at VM Abort:
def new generation total 576K, used 288K [0x10010000, 0x100b0000, 0x104f0000)
eden space 512K, 56% used [0x10010000, 0x10058188, 0x10090000)
from space 64K, 0% used [0x10090000, 0x10090000, 0x100a0000)
to space 64K, 0% used [0x100a0000, 0x100a0000, 0x100b0000)
tenured generation total 1408K, used 0K [0x104f0000, 0x10650000, 0x14010000)
the space 1408K, 0% used [0x104f0000, 0x104f0000, 0x104f0200, 0x10650000)
compacting perm gen total 4096K, used 1125K [0x14010000, 0x14410000, 0x18010000)
the space 4096K, 27% used [0x14010000, 0x14129748, 0x14129800, 0x14410000)

Local Time = Fri Jan 09 19:34:24 2004
Elapsed Time = 0

HotSpot Virtual Machine Error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Error ID : 4F530E43505002EF

Please report this error at


Java VM: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (1.4.2_01-b06 mixed mode)

An error report file has been saved as hs_err_pid4080.log.

Please refer to the file for further information.

I don’t do much on WIndows these days - but I’m sure you’ll have to provide more hardware specific information than that before someone will be able to diagnose it.

seems the if u install OpenAL from the SDK. the installed OpenAL32.dll dont work. if i change this dll with the one from JOAL it all works- even the demos in the OpenAL SDK. Strange.

The .dlls may be of different versions.

this crashs in joal :frowning:

        // String deviceName = "DirectSound3D";  
        String deviceName = "DIRECTSOUND";  
        // Get handle to device.  
        device = alc.alcOpenDevice(deviceName);  
        // Get the device specifier.  
        deviceSpecifier = alc.alcGetString(device, ALC.ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);  
        System.out.println("Using device " + deviceSpecifier);  
        // Create audio context.  
        context = alc.alcCreateContext(device, null);  

any ideas?

Not without a stack trace. Could be failing due to some untrapped DirectSound error. Had something similar happening early on with the OSX build.