Dungeon Generator

Hi everyone,

Download link : http://dl.free.fr/duSvmIaSg

I’m actually developping a game in java and after i created a maze generator i wanted to create something more realistic. I decided to make my own Dungeon Generator.
Here are some of the results of the generation :

It’s actually a version 1.0 with allow us to generate with Rooms and Corridor. Actually it just generates empty rooms with doors sometimes. In a futur time I will be able to add elements in the Rooms, make a locked door with a key. Objects inside the room, …
If you have any question, queries or other think, you can post here or contact me at : kamigaku@gmail.com


Pretty simple :

Map m = new Map(50, 30); // first value = x size, second = y size
String[][] map = m.getMap();

You should make a text based game,

I know there not really popular now, due to the OpenGL stuff everyone is doing. Maybe even some kind of system to render a frame only when there’s player input, or a state changed. Or even a turn-based strategy game. There is allot of possibilities. The main thing you have to worry about is the real-time part.


Actually i’m going to use it for my little 2D game that i’m developping, i already have a little scripts that convert this map and make a render of it, but since it’s home made, i’m not putting it available because without explanation, i think not a little of people will understand it >.>