Hm, so it turns out I haven’t been working all that much on this game. Anyway, here’s a playable test:
Instructions are available on the site.
It’s currently slightly over 4kb, so I’ll have to optimize away some stuff. Perhaps I’ll merge green and gray units into one creature that’s both miner and weak fighter… Not sure.
Any feedback would be much appreciated. Difficulty/balance, as well as what I can do to make it more interesting or fun, are the points I’m most worried about.
Old update:
It’s currently not compressed and weighs in at far more than 4k, but it seems I’ll be able to get it down to ~3.5k with grobo’s toolchain. Remains to see if I can get pack200 and whatnot to work properly, though… I decided to ditch the half-finished graphics overhaul and stay with the old style which had more gameplay implemented. Perhaps, sometime in the future, I might change to the other graphics style for fun, but it’s not on the list of things to do.
Original post:
Tentative name, we’ll see what happens there… anyway, it’s not really much of a game yet, just thought I’d share some WIP screens.
The top screen is the game as it currently looks, with selecting ground and digging stuff and whatnot, and the lower screen is a test with another rendering technique I’m thinking I’ll switch over to soon. It’s inspired and partly based on some stuff made by DonTomaso, so cheers for that.