Drift Team

Would be funny if cops were drifting too, just joking ;D

You can totally do that. Just go to the track editor, and create a player as a cop. ;D

For a laugh, I just made a track where you drift boats! https://drift.team/?p=race&u=5703401627189248&t=6319815966851072 :smiley:

I created a track with cops :D, in fact its a good track editor, nice work :smiley: But what is an idea of “reviewing” other tracks(3 tracks), before you publish your own? Well it made me play 1 U-like, lopped track 3 times ???

Nice one! I think I played your track. https://drift.team/?p=race&u=6127898339573760&t=5148430947057664 Excellent, thumbs up! :slight_smile:

I ask people to review 3 new tracks before publishing their own, so all new tracks have a chance at getting into the “Top Rated” section. I was worried everyone would just play the top rated tracks, and nobody would play the new tracks.

It should have given you new tracks each time. Unless you had already played 20 new tracks. My DB call only searches the 20 newest tracks, and if you have already played them, it messes up and just gives you the last one. It’s on my TODO list to abort out, and let you publish without reviewing if that is the case.

And now there’s an Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=team.drift

Spoiler alert… It’s just a Trusted Web App (TWA). Ie: It’s just the web game, inside an app.

Automatic track untwisting.


You can now make a track that is all twisted up, and (hopefully) the other players won’t get lost. ;D

Each track you create now has its own high score table. See who the best drivers are on your tracks. You can even watch their replays!