
Hello JGO,

Today I will show you my tool, Draw. Currently, you can draw in 4 brush sizes, and in 8 colors. Here are the controls:


R: Red
O: Orange
Y: Yellow
G: Green
B: Blue
P: Purple

1: 32x32 pixels
2. 64x64 pixels
3. 128x128 pixels
4. 16x16 pixels

Here are some examples of what you can do (These were created in the 32x32 or 64x64 brush)

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/soq76luhnrvo8sg/Draw.jar



Will it be available anytime soon? Also, I shouldn’t be speaking, but some of your games seem to low level to play.(Good concpets though ;D). You have quite a few projects on your hands. Maybe you should spend some time to work on each one individually.

^-^ lol this reminds me of an Etch-A-Sketch. AppleSauce is right though. You should focus on something you really want to do. Small projects are good but they get boring after a while.