does anyone know of a possibility to catch events when a file from the system (e.g. windows explorer) is dragged onto the glcanvas?
does anyone know of a possibility to catch events when a file from the system (e.g. windows explorer) is dragged onto the glcanvas?
I suspect that it’s possible through AWT or SWING, but I’ve never personally used it. If so these aren’t part of JOGL; rather part of the java GUI API.
Suggestion: search google: “AWT drag drop” or “SWING drag drop”.
Good luck!
I have barely any experience with this but look into java.awt.dnd.DropTarget and associating a DropTarget with the GLCanvas. Then experiment with the events you receive through it when you do the drag and drop action. I know this works with Swing widgets, and believe Swing’s support is built on top of the low-level support in the AWT, so I believe it should be possible.
thanks, but how do i add a DropTarget to the GLCanvas, i cant find an appropriate function for that.
Looking at on of the DropTarget constructors seems to give a clue?
public DropTarget(Component c,
DropTargetListener dtl)
throws HeadlessException
Creates a DropTarget given the Component to associate itself with, and the DropTargetListener to handle event processing.
The Component will receive drops only if it is enabled.
thanks it works now!