DR. LEPUS - The last rabbit on earth (LDJAM 35)

Hello Guys,

we are proud to present you our first LDJAM game entry.

[h1]DR. LEPUS - The last rabbit on earth[/h1]

The game is written in our own self written engine called the “LitiEngine” implemeted in JAVA 8 without the help of external libraries.

The Game:

You play as DR. LEPUS, struggling for survival in a world full of brain-hungry zombies.
DR. LEPUS constructed a sophisticated machine -THE LEPOTRANSFORMATOR-
to turn himself into a rabbit and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, the machine broke and wasn’t able to turn him into a rabbit permanently. Now he can only shapeshift when consuming carrots.

By eating painkillers and drinking beer, DR. LEPUS is able to endure the strains of zombie apocalypse just a little longer.

Help DR. LEPUS salvage electric devices in order to repair the LEPOTRANSFORMATOR.
And remember…

Aim with the mouse
Move with W,A,S,D
Shoot with the left mouse button
Use items with 1, 2, 3

Some Screenshots:

LDJAM Version Playthrough Video:


[h1]Download Here[/h1]
[h2]Game Website[/h2]

Make sure to vote if you were also part of the LDJAM :slight_smile:

I liked your game. Have you plans to continue with its development?

Thank’s for the kind words :slight_smile:

Actually we plan to tweak the game a bit more and release it. I’ll keep you up to date on the progress :wink:

It doesn’t run at all for me. I get a major minor version unsupported error message which I’m guessing is because you compiled with Java 1.8 but didn’t target a lower version.

Not everyone is using 1.8 yet so you may want compile the source code for a lower Java version like 1.6 would to ensure most people wouldn’t need to update. Just my opinion but personally I am not ready to update to 1.8.

Maintenance of 1.7 (not to speak of 1.6) stopped a while ago - you even don’t find 1.7 downloads on the official oracle java pages, so why bother limiting yourself (in terms of new features introduced in 1.7 or 1.8 ) with setting a lower target?
Do you have a specific reason to not update to 1.8? Since the backwards compatibility works in most cases there is almost no reason to stay on an older release. I also had some troubles back in the days and had to have different java versions on one PC for compatibility issues - but I was able to fix all of them at last.

We’re using features that were introduced with Java 8 (e.g. lambda expressions). So it would be hard to provide a 1.7 or even 1.6 version of the engine.
Right now, we don’t see the effort being worth it.

We’ve been working hard on DR.LEPUS for the last few month.

Our self written Java Game Engine “Litiengine” in now finally at a state where we can create things without the need to implement further core functionality.
We’ve put together a new post about the ongoing changes on DR.LEPUS on our Website which you can read up here:
[h3]News about DR.LEPUS[/h3]