downloading powder game

ive got a question. How can I download powder game and play it offline. its an online java game.
heres the link. Please help me :slight_smile:


Wow, that’s the coolest version of the sand game ( I’ve seen yet, it’s a lot more slick than the original versions! I love the fluid simulation effect when stuff blows up! Do a google search for “Powder game” if you haven’t already - there are some real cool videos made with this (some people have a LOT of time on their hands, clearly!).

Re: playing offline, it’s an applet, not an application, so you’d have to get the jar and figure out how to launch it as an applet, maybe from a local html page or something like that, which you’d have to write yourself. It’s not difficult, but I’m hesitant to spell out in detail exactly what to do since someone put a lot of work into it and I’m not sure how they would feel about offline play. The “right” thing to do is really to politely ask the author if he is willing to post a version for offline use and explain why you’d like it (I assume it’s because you’re often not at an internet connection, though in that case you could always just leave the page open in your browser, too). He very well may say yes, we all like it when people enjoy the things we’ve created. :slight_smile:

Of course, Google is your friend, and the first search along those lines that I thought of led to a correct explanation within the first few results, so nobody’s going to stop you…

I found this one a cupple of weeks ago a found it very fun,19368.0.html, may be you can play it offline by looking at the HTML source code (right-click->view HTML Source) and download all file that are pointed by the Applet tag in a local folder. then create a local html file (powder.html) and copy/paste in it the Applet tag. or also as mentioned above you can simply ask the author.

thanks for your help :smiley:
i got the .jar file and now ive got a new problem…
i made a .html file and wrote

but it doesnt work…the .html file and the .jar file are in one folder but i noticed that there is more than one .class file in the .jar file… what do i have to do now?

here’s the .jar file


View the source code of the original html page and copy the full applet/object tag in it. All information you need should be in there.

Its every time the same problem. Even when i copied the whole code there was an error and the java thing said

at dust.a(Unknown Source)
at dust.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
at Source)

dont know how to fix it