Does JOAL deliver HRTF/Binaural sound?


Can Java OpenAL, in it’s current form, deliver proper spatialised sound using HRTF? I’m getting suggestions it can but nothing solid from my web crawling. If it can, can anyone briefly outline how it is incorporated into JOAL? Do I require any specialised hardware/equipment, or can in do the relavent calculations on any quick-machine?


OpenAL in LWJGL or JOAL in JogAmp are simply bindings to OpenAL on the system of the user. Whether the drivers that are backing it support anything, is out of your control. I doubt a standard OpenAL driver supports HRTF, though.

Don’t know about JOAL, however LWJGL’s implementation uses OpenAL-Soft which has HRTF support built in and requires no special hardware. There are some minor limitations such as stereo output only and the default built-in data set only supports 44100hz playback (full info here).

I wouldn’t quite call ‘only stereo’ a limitation, as AFAICS, HRTF only really makes sense for headphones.

Michael Bien succeeded in using JOAL 1.1.3 with OpenALSoft last year.