Hi All.
I’m new to JOGL and I want to open a bit of a discussion about the JavaDocs. I know that it relates directly to the OpenGL specification, as JOGL as I understand it is a direct link to the OpenGL API…?. The thing I wanted to discuss is that fact the JavaDocs that are available (at least the ones Ive found) just say what the relative OpenGL function is and offers no - be it simple - outline of what that function does! The consequence is that JOGL - from an inexperienced OpenGL programmers perspective - is very confusing at first, and this simple factor is partially to blame. Even basic pointers would vastly improve the documentation for all and strengthen JOGL as a practical usable API. Ive been programming Java for years and still always have to refer to documentation, as there’s a lot of it and if I could remember it all… Well I would need a big head. But having a specification description that just tells you what to look up in another specification seems, well a little daft.
I know that an adaption would take some time and effort as many of the classes and functions are not likely to change unless the underlying OpenGL functions change but I wanted to know what others thought? Should their be some sort of project to improve the JavaDocs? Are people already on it? I would assist but I don’t know OpenGL well enough to implement it, although if its directly related it wouldn’t be such a task! Is there better documentation Ive not found? Do you think it would be a pointless / unnecessary effort?
Any comments and thoughts would be highly appreciated!