Documentation on Writing a Plug-in?

Dear All,

Is there any documentation on writing a JInput plug-in?

Are there any example plug-ins, that I can have a look at?

Failing that, what source code in the JInput distribution should I examine?


The four default plug-ins (Win32, Linux OSX and awt) are all under the JInput source tree:

If I were you I’d grab the whole source tree because you will need a few fiels from there and from jutils to refer to anyway to build them.

I believe at one poitn i tried to javadoc the Win32 plug-in reasonably as well as some of the fiels it refers to. Again id grab the source tree and run the javadoc ant task and then take a look at thsoe docs.

Beyoind that, its an oral tradition.8) Endolf has been through it most recently.


The way I did it was to look at the tests and saw how the jutils plugins bit worked, saw that for a particular plugin, everything comes through the plugin environment. The directx and linux plugin do things slightly differently of course :). Following either will point you in the right direction. Posting to these forums will get you help if you need it and we can test it or advise :). The AWT plugin should be the easiest to follow as it uses no native code.

