DocCheck - automatically find out which methods you forgot to document

From the realm of “brilliant tools that Sun forget to tell you they wrote” :slight_smile:

(posted here because I only just came across it, and its small but brilliant).

Summaries include listing all your packages and giving a “percentage of missing comments” for each.

Also provides copy/pastable “guessed” comments for you to paste in to your source and edit wherever it can.

Thats cool! ;D, Thanks for info!
Sad though, it is not in development since mid 2003, strange…


Mainly, it seems, because “it works”.

However, I tried emailing the official support adress at Sun, and it bounced. Time to take those people who run the infrastructure out back and shoot them again :(.

Actually, that DocCheck is really brilliant idea… but I think it could be done better in regards to output. I just thought it would be very nice if it can be extended so, that output is not just a “dead” html files, but so that if I click on certain method missing the doc it will open up corresponding class itself in NotePad for instance… or better if it is possible to extend to be the Eclipse plugin, so that it will actually bring me to that particular method to do doc…

This will be huge help in documenting big projects! The way it is now - you actually need to go and search yourself, then when you done, you look up in html file another missing doc and go searching in you code again… still good help but could be yet better! :slight_smile:

What’s you opinion?

You can already set Eclipse to nag you for missing/wrong javadoc, ie: it’ll appear as a warning or, if you’re a particularly huge hard-ass, as an error.

There’s also a great, free tool called Jalopy Although it is more than just a commenter. It is also a code formatter. But it does a good job with Javadoc comments. It will format any existing ones and will add any new ones required. Of course this is configurable to only add method level javadoc or field level. It provides a default template that you can modify, so you can have TODOs in all the ones that you missed. Plus it plugs into Eclipse seamlessly.

I’ve already mentioned this before, but what I’m looking for is some sort of commend hide / unhide plugin for eclipse or program. Basicly when I’m coding I don’t want to look and browse through all of those comments, that would be great time to hide them. If I ever get stuck asking myself what does this code do, then I would unhide comments and see whats there… comments would remain in their lines, the thing I had in mind would just hide those lines from our view.
Anybody has something similar? Best I could do is make eclipse fold multi-line comments into one line.

I just bought a bigger monitor ;D and told eclipse to do line-breaks at 160 columns instead of 80