Do you guys want another 24 hours?

So a few people haven’t realized the contest was this weekend until later, so I thought maybe you guys might all want to extend the deadline by 24 hours? The original JGO Comp was 24 hours longer than this one was.

Please post your opinion here, but please only post if you’re already making an entry or you will make an entry.

No, I don’t think thats fair. I started late but accept that I missed it and can get a half arsed entry in. Some of these guys have been working all weekend - they could have taken it easy if they’d had an extra 24 hours!


Duly noted. :slight_smile:

I think we won’t change it, probably.

No…I am one of those who just started and I see it as kev, that won’t be fair. Nevertheless I get all my power because of the deadline…otherwise I would open a beer slow down a bit = stop!

Ähmm…nevertheless I just opened a beer :smiley:

So,…the deadline is still 8am gmt!?

Edit: posted but changed mind - would like to see Riven’s water…

No+1… Started coding on Sunday evening and just finished my crappy effort at 2am…

I’ll be sleeping & working over the next 24 hours. Having said that I don’t really mind if you extend the deadline.

Cheers, Alan
