DisplayLists: 20% performance boost in MultiCubeBenchmark ;D

What did you say about the focusing problems, Amos? I had some today :wink:

I read through some webpages and gathered information about DisplayLists, and found it really easy. So I added about five or six lines to ShapeAtomPeer and an additional flag to ShapeAtom holding the DisplayList’s name and a new flag to Shape3D telling if it is a dynamic or static shape. This flag can be set either through the constructors or a getter/setter. That’s it.

I set the cubes in MuliCubeBenchmark to STATIC and the whole thing was running 20% faster (36 FPS before, 44 after on my machine).

This is really awesome ;D ;D ;D 
 and so easy. Enjoy ;D


That’s great! ;D

Maybe stupid question, but
 what conditions should be met to safely consider Shape3D to be a STATIC?
Is anything at all can be changed for that Shape?

Well, the game won’t crash, if you change any of the shape’s properties including the Appearance’s ones, but it won’t have any visible effect, if you change a property after the first frame. So in other words: A Shape3D is considered to be static, when you’re not planning to change any of it’s properties. Of course you may translate, rotate or scale it using a TransformGroup
 no problem.

I’m currently thinking about refreshing the static shape’s display list when a property has changed. I’m also planning to add a third type called “AUTO”. With this type the renderer looks for modifications on the shape and if nothing has happened to the shape’s properties for a certain amount of frames, the shape’s type is automagically switched to STATIC (just as Amos suggested). This would be a good default. Maybe a static flag on the Shape3D class would then make sense, telling if this automatic switch should be performed.


Alright, now understand, thanks :slight_smile:

Yep, sounds good to me ;D

The performance gain is hardly noticeable on my config. Must be due to another thing : it appears that data transfer from RAM to VRAM isn’t the bottleneck here.

That’s a pity :(. What about the MultiCubeBenchmark on your machine?

In scenes with many small Shape3Ds (like a bsp level) there would be useful a more general display list, shich draws some shapes at once. But this would be very much harder to implement. And I can’t forsee, how big the boot would be with it.

Simply nest your displaylists.

glNewList(..., GL_COMPILE);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
   glTranslatef(..., ..., ...);

You can nest up to roughly 64 levels.

The nice thing is the reference to the nested list is like a pointer, the nested lists are not inlined.

So you can do something like this:

glNewList(..., GL_COMPILE);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
   glCallList(n*2+0); // reference to DL that translates 
   glCallList(n*2+1); // reference to GL that renders geometry

// later: move your embedded object
glNewList(itemIndex*2+0, GL_COMPILE);
glTranslatef(x, y, z);

// render your scene

Cool :slight_smile: Thanks for the hint. I’ll implement this soon.


IMO, display lists should be bound :

  • To Geometry(s)
  • To Shape3D(s)
  • To Shape3DList(s)
    Shape3DLists(s) display list call Shape3D(s) display lists which calls Geometry(s) display lists.
    Which mean with a Shape3DList containing everything in the Quake3 level you have only one display list, which means huge performance boost.

The Shape3DList could be named StaticGroup and could extend Group. What do you say?


No. A group is a list of nodes. The nodes are rendered independently by a renderer.
A Shape3DList should be a node as it has one RenderAtom/Bin/whatever.

Well, this List would be handled like a group, since it has be capable of containing Shape3D Nodes. So why don’t extend a Group? The FrameAtomsCollector (or it’s succesor) must handle it correctly.

Yeah BUT it wouldn’t be efficient because it would create/use one RenderAtom by Shape in the list
 Or am I wrong ?

Note : should YOU, guest, have a better idea, please post it.

EDIT : http://radioblogclub.com/open/114238/better_way/Ben%20Harper%20-%20Better%20way ;D ;D ;D

Ah! Now I see. Yes, you’re right. It would be possible to do that for a group, too. It is just the way the atom collector handles the thing. But it is more logic the way you suggest ;).


??? ??? ???


I wasn’t talking to you ;D ;D ;D
Sometimes, highly talented individuals not using Xith3D (like Riven/kevglass) fly across Xith3D forum boards. I was just saying that if they’d have a better idea, they are welcome to post it.

The only problem is that displaylists are great in theory! I never used them that way, so you may be surprised with the results, although I highly doubt there are showstoppers here.

Isn’t this almost the best way to implement the currently empty(?) BranchGroup(??).compile() method?

Just iterate over the entire sub-graph and copy the structure in your displaylists

BranchGroup is not meant to be used outside of being a “branchgraph” in Locale.
There was a compile method. We removed it some time ago because it wasn’t used. Maybe we can implement it. Marvin, would you do that ?

Well, I’m not really sure if this actually makes sense. I think, the Shape3DList idea is just enough. When you’re building up the scenegraph, you’ll know which subgraphs are absolutely static (even if a subgraph means one with onle a single shape). And you can set the appropriate shape types.

Anyway, the Shape3DLists will have to wait until after the RenderBin thing, because there’re things, I need to check first to get the Shape3DList working. And these things need to be checked anyway for the RenderBin thing.

I’ll start doing this on saturday.
