displaying from a ByteBuffer

i have some native code, which produces a bytebuffer with a raw 24 bit image.
what steps should i take to display this image?

Create a BufferedImage and manually set each pixel.

BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(800, 600, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
img.getRaster().setDataElements(0, 0, 800, 600, imageData);

I don’t think you can pass a ByteBuffer along as an argument there (someone correct me?)

What I would do is use array() to get the backing buffer and work from there

deepthought said he got the ByteBuffer from native code, so it’s a direct ByteBuffer. .array() won’t work there.

You have to copy the contents of the ByteBuffer into an array manually, using byteBuffer.get(byte[])

The argument is of type Object. The JavaDocs say that it should be an array of the type returned by Raster.getTransferType().

that works. and there i was arsing around with MemoryImageSources

What type is your imageData?

3 byte RGB. the native code could just be rewritten to use BGR.
just wondering, is there any way to make a 3 byte RGB colormodel?

I meant what type of array?
