Discussing Code from book "Java2 Game Program

ive worked a lot with the book “Java 2 game programming” by Thomas Petchel.

but in the deep space of his magix game engine i need to discuss some code he has developed for animating and managing animation-strips.

so if anyone has also read the book or wants to spent a little time to look through the passages (i can send it anyone) it would be a great help.

MODERATOR: do not reply in this thread asking for a copy of the book. Contact the poster directly, using the IM options on this post

Deleted all the me-too posts.

I’m assuming the OP only has one copy - it would be illegal to send copies other than those he had bought. If you want a copy for yourself, try: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/sim-explorer/explore-items/-/1931841071/0/101/1/none/purchase/ref%3Dpd_sxp_r0/102-9560313-5485754

I’m also guessing that what Serethos actually meant was “I can send you the excerpts I’m having trouble with” ;), not “I can send you a free copy of someone else’s book”

Indeed, i noticed that my Thread wasn’t a too good idea. Most only wanted a “cheap”
copy of the book - with the price i have paid i could have supported a little country
with wheat for a whole year ;D.
I think this Thread can be closed, if I doubt on any passages, I will post the code