Difficulties trying to get the pick position from projection and view matrix

Hello there. I am trying to get the pick position in terms of a vector3 from the projection and view matrix. I am using my own math classes. I don’t think this is right, could you give any suggestions on how to fix this?

private Vec3 getPick(Mat4 projection, Mat4 view) {
	Mat4 inverseProject = projection.copy().inverse();
	Mat4 pick = inverseProject.mul(view.copy());
	Vec3 pos = new Vec3(pick.m10, pick.m11, pick.m12);
	return pos;


Almost right.
If you want to get only the movement of a matrix you just do this:

    public float getMoveX(){ return m03; }
    public float getMoveY(){ return m13; }
    public float getMoveZ(){ return m23; }

I dont know where you would need this for, but it does what you describe.