differences between the same fonts? (mac tester wanted)

I’ve just made a small jogl-based webstart app that draws a few fonts which are supposed to be present both on Windows and OSX:

On my PC, the output looks like that:

If any mac user can run the test and attach a screenshot (or send it to ariel [at] chronotext.org), it would be great!
I will then post the results…


P.S. NIX users: you’re not supposed to have these fonts (Arial, Tahoma, Georgia and Courier New) installed on your system, aren’t you?

The verdict so far: there are some small differences in glyph-shape and character-spacing but nothing catastrophic (maximum divergence: ~1 pixel…)

Check the animated gif with both versions:
http://www.chronotext.org/lab/fonts (win vs mac).gif

Thanks to Eric for contributing a mac screenshot…