Did you vote today?

I can, and did vote today. I’m curious what the breakdown is around here.

I hope than any eligible Americans voted… althought this forum is very international…

Of course, someone who didn’t vote in the election but could, probably won’t vote in this poll either!

I can vote I’m from France, but if I could, I wouldn’t vote for Bush, that’s sure…


Woohoo! Go Bush!


The majority of us foreigners didn’t even get a say. How unfair is that?

“No obliteration without representation,” as a well-loved british politician was recently heard to say.

Heh heh! good one :slight_smile:

[quote]The majority of us foreigners didn’t even get a say. How unfair is that?


Thanks for the responses. Nov. 2 was one shitty day. What a joke this so-called democracy is. There are more than a few places gathering support for major investigations into the voting machines in Florida and Ohio, among other things, under the Freedom of Information Act.

G!$ d(&@ it all! 4 more years of the worst president in American history. Got any job openings Cas? If I didn’t feel the responsibility to stay here and help fix this country in any way possible I’d sell all my possessions, and get on a plane the hell out of here tomorrow.

While I’ve heard of a huge number of dirty tricks that were used during these elections, I really doubt any auditing of the election machines will change anything. 51% of Americans really did vote for Bush.

The best place to direct efforts is into working out why they voted so.

I actually saw a story on the local news (Toronto) that there a quite a few Americans looking in to emigrating to Canada now, as a result of the election.

Yeah, but they won’t! ;D

I personally think this was the wrong decision, 49% of Americans think it was the wrong decision, probably over 75% of the rest of the world think it was the wrong decision. But after the initial rage is over, most people will accept it and get on with their lives.

[quote]51% of Americans really did vote for Bush.

The best place to direct efforts is into working out why they voted so.
Nah, a better place to direct efforts is splitting up the US properly:
