A little game inspired by an old time C64 classic.
The oldest source code dates back to 2004, but only during the last months it’s been heavily under development.
There are also distant roots planted in ancient ages on the Amiga, when I was unsuccessfully struggling with Assembler and graphic chip programming.
Some features:
- Client/Server and MVC architecture
- OpenGL with LibGdx/LWJGL
- basic hierarchical goal based AI
- state machine for character movement, collision detection, etc.
- a bit of multithreading
- Pitbuller’s lighting
- Appel’s A* implementation
- NIO for network
During development, generic game independent parts were extracted to foundate a framework. But the clear focus was not to build another infamous game engine, but a game.
The relation is now roughly 40% game and 60% framework, roughly 58.000 LoC. Does it look like that ? Well…
System requirements:
- Java 7
- 2+ core CPU
- 512 MB RAM
- Graphics card capable of OpenGL 2.0
Open issues:
- Multiplayer (oh dear ;D)
- Game balancing
- Fullscreen mode
- Playing custom maps created with Tiled
Tested on Windows 7, XP and Linux.
Windows XP is not recommended because of unreliable timers.
On Mac, there is currently a LWJGL-issue, should run with the (unpolished) Java2D fallback, though.
Linux freaks must bring their own JRE 7 so far, because packaging with Ant does not preserve file permission flags.
Feedback much appreciated