I work with netbeans 6.5 IDE and I really don’t know any thing about JME and how can I write a 3d game code(should I create a java application? should I add some special library?..)I need to know every thing from start!! also is this ok that at first I write a 3d game and then make it as a network game with RMI /socket??? thanks
I think you might want to start with something simpler if you are new to Java coding…
It’s nice hearing you planning and dreaming about games . And it’s good too, it will make you persevere till the moment you’ll deploy your actual game. But given you need to learn everything from scratch, maybe you should start by reading some tutorials and asking questions around here
Basically if you’re thinking about 3D in java, make sure to have a good understanding of scenegraphs and what currently is available/working. Then start experimenting with one(by following tutorials or online books). Whatever libraries, and technologies you might encounter and try to learn, as a beginner your choice should heavily rely on available documentation and learning support. You might also consider starting off with a simple 2d game. A 2d game will help you understand at first hand the very basic principles of writing any game.