Developer Exposure on Java.Com!


I have been sitting on on the Java.Com advisory group for the past several months and we are working to set up a “work in progress” section of the commercial site.

What does this mean to you?

If you have a game that you would like showcased on the Java.Com (not the Java.Net site) site, I need the following from you:

  1. URL for the game site
  2. 2 paragraphs on the game and description
  3. GENERAL time to market (this does not need to be set in stone)
  4. 3 screenshots
  5. Your contact information (for Sun’s use only)

Note: submissions are no gaurantee that the game will make it onto the site. Some of this is beyond my control.

Ok folks, you wanted more exposure so hurry up and send your submissions to:



ChrisM, on a related subject I am preparing a biz plan submission for the Siemens and Sun JavaMasters contest and I am need of high detialed marketing data instead of summaries…doe sSun know where I can get that for a free price and the moment?

product is j2me games…

Expected submission to wokr in progress part of is near end of December :slight_smile:

Chack out :



Chris thanks for the links…

I wil make use of the java.,com workinprogress offer when I get final screen shots of game and final testing started sometime in February…

The url will be to a page displaying an applet of the game since its J2me so that everyone can see how the game works on phones…