Hey, I have a macally 2 controller, (Its a really popular rumbling controller for mac) and Im running osx. Jinput picks up the device (its name at least), and lists its features, but claim it has no rumble support… wondering if this is just a lack of support yet in jinput for osx, or is this something you guys would care about knowing?
this is part of its output:
Scanning Macally iShock II FFB Game Controller
Found 0 rumblers
Found device type [IOUSBHIDDriver]
Successfully opened device
this device could have used custom drivers or something for the rumble, since at its realease, there was no standard ffb library for macs. not a problem at all, just wondering if you guys knew/ cared
(id post on the hardware compatability page, but if this is a known issue, why clutter the page untill there is something to report?)