(CVS) -> (SVN)

The migration from (CVS) to (SVN) is now complete. Please don’t commit anything to the (CVS) projects anymore.

You can checkout the new repositories from sourceforge by using any Subversion client.

Here is a short tutorial about how to do it with Eclipse+Subclipse:

  • Install Subclipse (if not already done). Choose Help->Software->find and install->search for new features to install. Then add a new remote site. Type “Subclipse” as the name and “” as the URL. Click OK. Check the checkbox left to the new entry named “Subclipse”, click “Mext” and follow the instructions. Restart your Eclipse.
  • Create a new Project: File->New->Project…, SVN->Checkout Projects from SVN->Create A new Repository Location.
    Type “” resp. “”.
    Click “Next”.
    Choose “trunk”, click “Next”.
    Be sure to avoid name conflicts with the existing projects. It’s best to delete them beforehand. Or you choose a different project name and refactor them afterwards.
  • click finish
  • wait
  • done.

I’ll ask Will to make this thread sticky. So please only discuss in this thread, if really necessary. Consider to discuss in this thread to make life easier for new folks having to read this thread.

Enjoy SVN,


For those who don’t use Eclipse there’s tortoiseSVN. Here is a tutorial to use it.


Anyone else have trouble with the update site??? I keep getting problems trying to install the plugin. I can see the plugin, just not install it.

I am seeing the following trying to create svn repository

Error validating server certificate for

  • Unknown certificate issuer
    Fingerprint: 49:b8:cb:87:04:8c:49:39:45:83:dd:4c:cf:c7:54:57:b0:9e:84:5d
    Distinguished name: Equifax Secure Certificate Authority, Equifax, US

Just accept the certificate permanently.