Saying it doesn’t make sense without any justification isn’t going to convince me, and it isn’t going to convince him either. I provided a full-detailed description for implementation, you just said it won’t work because ‘we shouldn’t use design patterns to solve out problems if they’re really simple.’ (or something to that effect) Patterns don’t complicate anything, they simplify them. Patterns are used to prevent creating tightly coupled and difficult to maintain code. It isn’t a valid argument for them to not be applied to a simple module because like all things in a program, simple things grow, simple things must be maintained and simple things will be extended to become more complex.
The Observer pattern is meant to create a loosely couple form of communication between one to many modules.
Global game settings is a subject, one module.
The various subsystems the configurations distributed to are observers, and are the many module.
It makes perfect sense.
You want to add a new setting later down the road for a newly installed subsytem? Easy, just add an observer. Job done. You want to change the way the configurations are stored? No problem, that code is well isolated from the actual configuration module. Since the modules are loosely coupled, there is very little maintenance headache.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I am saying you haven’t done anything to try and convince me.