DEBUG flags

In SoundProcessor, DEBUG is final and private. And there’s no setDebugMode(boolean) and getDebugMode() methods… it’s not possible to activate debug mode on this class??? What should be done to fix that…

Well we could simply make it non final and add getter/setter. But as far as I consider it, the debug flags are only for the class’es developer. So he could simply set it to “true” in place. If you want some debug information triggered from user space, just set Xith3DDefaults.setDebugMode( true ).


That’s indeed what I deed… uh sorry what I did ^^ But how do I do if I only want debug info on TextureLoader ? (from user space) I think debug info from user space is essential… what’s the point of it if I have to check out the source to enable debugging features ?


With assertions, you can enable assertions on package level and will only have debugging on for that package.


Even better. Thanks, Yuri :).

Thanks Yuri. ;D