Hi there.
I am using BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer and BufferUtil.newIntBuffer within an Applet. The Applet is written to handle ‘init’, ‘start’, ‘stop’ and ‘destroy’ methods appropriately. For example, in ‘destroy’, the application cleanly winds down and destroys the context and even nullifies some objects.
Unfortunately, the direct buffers do not appear to get deallocated after ‘destroy’ and there doesn’t appear to be a way to re-use this memory.
The upshot of this is that visiting the application more than once eventually causes an ‘out of direct memory’ error which means the browser has to be completely restarted.
What is the recommended approach please?
Problem is on Mac OS X 10.5.2, JOGL 1.1.0 (Safari 3.1.1 and Firefox 3.0b5).
Thanks in advance!