Deadline till midnight GMT+0

I will close the door on midnight GMT+0.

That’s 07:00 PM Eastern time, or 4:00 PM Western time. (I think that’s correct)

At that time, do you copy the jars from our sites to yours? What prevents us from further modifying our jars?

I’ll hunt you down :slight_smile:

This is a good question. I’ll think about this and decide if I’ll make a small script that instantly archives the games, should be a small matter to do. Although I’m worried about Applet games that are hosted elsewhere, those might be a little bit more problematic.

In the future I think this needs to be standardized and hosted on

I have just updated my applet game “Space Paranoids 2D4K” with what should be its final version, the v1.00. However how should I proceed to send the new jar file to the Java4K site ? In another post, William Starkovich and his game Virtual On 4k met the same problem as you can read below, and I’m sorry but I’m not sure to have understood how any updated jar size could be checked by the organizators of the contest…

So how would I update the jar than? Where do I put it to show the judges?

Update the jar used by your webstart. The uploader on the java4k site was meant to be used to submit an unsigned jar in the event that you have a jar which turned out to be over 4k after you signed it.

I presume the judges will download the jar they run and check its size.

It’s simply a case of updating the jnlp file. In the case of my game, Gravitational Fourks, the link on is to grav4k-latest.jnlp, which is a symlink which I changed many times in the course of developing the game as I took on feedback and added stuff. In fact, if you go to the webpage mentioned in the game listing you can play about 16 old versions, most of which at one point were what you would have launched from At no point did I need to update the entry on, except to ask Appel to add a screenshot once the graphical style had settled down and to add a note about Java versions.

Thanks for all these details, pjt33. And I will not miss to get a fresher look at your Gravitational Fourks.

Actually I had no idea it was possible to download a jar from a server so easily… Now I just hope that Appel will retrieve the current version of my game before 23:59 GMT. But if he had any problem with that, he should not hesitate to leave a message here as I will stay around until the time limit - even if I’m starting to feel a bit tired from this java intensive week end now !

If you have submitted your game then I would not obsess over the deadline. The primary reason for the deadline is to put an end to the contest, close the doors for new entries, and allow the judges to review the games as they are.

If there is something wrong with the game files, unsigned jar not matching the game, or something dubious, then we’ll contact the programmer for more information.

At last I feel relieved now… I was certainly worrying for nothing, however I was so late at finishing my game that I put a lot of pressure on my shoulders this week end ! Sorry for annoying you with all my questions and problems, and thanks to all, organizators and participants of this forum, for your patience and your help.

Well, and forty minutes left for the contest…

I know for a fact that the unsigned jar I submitted is very different from my final submission (the jar file pointed to by the webstart). Is there any easy way for me to provide you with the unsigned jar to avoid back-and-forward with the judges?

I’d hazard you could just attach it to a forum post here if you really want to make sure you’re good. However, it’s all about the spirit of the competition, so I don’t believe you’d be facing any major problems (although I’m neither a judge nor an organizer, so don’t quote me on this).

Email it to me. appel (a) java4k dot com