Data protection act

Quick question.
If I make a request for a copy of my personal data from an organisation. Are they then allowed to persecute me (for example restrict certain things about my access to their service) for making that request?

Might depend on where you live, but in the UK you can request any to see any information that ANY organisation has about you. However they may charge a small fee

Its in the uk , im just unsure . Say for instance I went to my bank and I wanted to see this data , they said yes but then removed my ability to transfer money to other accounts would they be allowed to do that?

Not sure how banks work to be honest, as I don’t know if they are classed as businesses under the Governments specification. However, if you did request said information and had to pay for the privilege due to the data protection act, they can’t stop you removing any money/transferring it. It’s your cash, they can’t say “Sure you can see the information, but now your money is ours, mwahaha :D”. If they even did try and stop you from doing this, then you could simply request to close the account and withdraw all the funds :point:

What’s your motive? Never bite the hand that feeds you, and all… unless you can find another… hand, easily. Has this hand been rubbing you the wrong way? I’m stretching the expression too far, as you may have noticed.