Darkvoid flight mechanics demo

Seems like the updater is flaky at best…

in launcher.log the last line is:

2012/01/08 22:42:08:409 INFO g.a: Downloading resource [url=http://www.darkvoidonline.com/dvsf/ardor3d-core.jar, size=1202091]

It doesn’t even try to make a 2nd attempt, it just hangs ::slight_smile:

When I close the app, and gave it another try, it hangs at:

2012/01/08 22:46:20:037 INFO g.a: Downloading resource [url=http://www.darkvoidonline.com/dvsf/dvsf-models.jar, size=3550374]

4th launch:

2012/01/08 22:48:56:366 INFO g.a: Downloading resource [url=http://www.darkvoidonline.com/dvsf/jinput.jar, size=215833]

5th launch:

2012/01/08 22:49:48:038 INFO g.a: Downloading resource [url=http://www.darkvoidonline.com/dvsf/lwjgl.jar, size=874969]

It took me 8 launches to get all files required to start the game :slight_smile:

What platform are you on Riven?, did each try get a file, but hang on the next?

Just trying to figure out what’s going on :slight_smile:



Vista Home Premium 64bit.

Sometimes it would get a bunch of JARs, sometimes it would get stuck on the same file as in the previous run.

I’m really confused, the stage at which it’s failing for you is when it’s using getdown, which is thee rings downloader/updater, I’m not sure where it’s failing, it might be that the file isn’t completely downloaded, or it could be that getdown is forgetting to move on to the next file somehow, I have no idea.

If you remove the directory and try reinstalling, when it hangs, how many bytes of the file it’s failing on have been written to disk?




Received 43772/97976 bytes.

Hmm, 2 things I need to sort out then, I need to figure out if there is a timeout that I can poke so it retries, and the other things, I need to some how figure out where the bytes are getting stuck, your end, my server in the US, or somewhere in between :slight_smile:


I get about 100-220KB/sec, and I have a 20mbit downlink. I suspect the server is overloaded.

The server is on a 10meg link, just run iptraf on there, and it was quite happy running 100k to 2.8M/s, and I’m on a 20mbit link and works for me quite nicely.

I might try moving the files to a google site to see what happens.

Thanks for testing this Riven, it’s good to know these issues early :slight_smile:


Windows, worked fine for me.

That looked so nice! But wtf? I had like 100 odd ships all flying around identically, going crazy. 30fps 8 samples

Worked fine for me, 64 bit windows 7, with java 6. The only odd thing was that it didn’t start on its own straight away after the initial dialog-driven install, I had to find the installation folder then click the dvsf.exe file.

Graphics looked great, but I got lost pretty quickly after flying around with WASD and mouse control

Navigation and orientation in 3D has never been the strength of humans :slight_smile: (especially with the lack of reference points)

Hi, thanks for the feedback.

I’ll look in to adding a launch now screen, I still need to figure out what I’m going to do about shortcuts, which might mean changing installers. I could also bundle up more files in the initial installer.

The demo does indeed have all the ships doing the same thing, orbiting in a circle pointing out from the centre line. I put that in to test that the game steps were doing the right thing. Those ships are given an initial velocity and accelerations and just left to it. The fact that they fly in a nice ‘orbit’ indicates to me that I got the movement calculations correct, nothing more. I can make them stationary again instead. The guns you see spinning are given a rotational acceleration and left to get on with it, so they should spin on a local axis and get faster and faster. I found I had problems with rotational speeds and acceleration over 180 degrees a second. So again, it’s just for me to check I’ve not broken anything :).

The HUD probably needs an xzy coord display somewhere so you can always get back to 0,0,0 if you wish, once it’s a game there will be the standard HUD waypoint sort of thing.


I’ve removed the windows exe installer as there seems to be a bug in it when creating shortcuts. The plus side is, that it now creates shortcuts if you wish.

Also made the downloader/updater dialog slightly larger as proxy settings dialog was falling off the screen.

Also made the game world static by default, had 2 people report graphics problems where there were lots of ghost ships moving. Because of the movement they hadn’t noticed they were all different and meant to be there :slight_smile:

Is it behaving any better for you tonight Riven?


Ok, I’ve rewritten the installer. There are 3 options, windows exe installer, executable jar installer, or zip file with the contents of what gets installed :). Check them out here.

Feedback requested and appreciated :).



I deleted the dvsf directory and downloaded

Running into the same problem during the downloading of JARs. :emo:

2012/01/14 12:34:26:682 INFO g.a: Downloading resource [url=http://www.darkvoidonline.com/dvsf/ardor3d-core.jar, size=1202091]

So it seems I’m still downloading from the same server. Have you tried to host the files somewhere else?

Not tried hosting else where as you seem to be the only person having troubles. I’m still intrigued. What happens if you try to download the files manually?



Works just fine :persecutioncomplex: :slight_smile:

Have you got a weird proxy or something set between you and the net?

Just trying to figure out how your setup is causing getdown a problem :slight_smile:


I do not use a proxy, or anything else (not even a wireless network).

Can you send me a traceroute, mtr if possible, trying to figure out what is causing this issue that only manifests itself for you. Are there any other networks you could try, wondering if there is something that an isp is doing that is causing getdown to fail.

PM it if you don’t want to publisise your IP :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.
