Dachon 4k

Markus: Well it’s a tad bit to hard to control. You should adjust it a bit, it would really improve the gameplay.

Its playing just right now, excellent!

way too fast on my machine. A single 360 rotation takes about 0.2 of a second. I think timing is to blame…

P4 2.26, Radeon 9200, 1.6b69


Seems unlikely that the timing code would be off…

while (lastTime < System.currentTimeMillis())
    lastTime += 20;
    // game logic, including turning the ship
// render everything

um, isn’t that loop abit flawed?

If the game logic takes longer than 20ms, that loop will go on forever.

Also, the number of game logic updates per render = (gameLogicTime+renderTime)/20.

So on a machine that renders slowly, they will indeed get uncontrollably fast (and jerky) game logic.

Start of each level 3 and 4 is just madly difficult I think… Haven’t made it past that :stuck_out_tongue: Once the onslaught in start is done, it gets relatively easy. Maybe reduce badies surrounding startingpoint?

There are also a few spots of “thin/small” demolishable walls that can’t be seen, but that one still collides against.

How do you figure? The number of updates per second = 1000/20. Exactly.

Hahaargh, cute.
I totally forgot to submit this game.

Ah well, less competition for miners4k, I guess. ;D