current JME download size ?

Hi, I haven’t been able to find this information on jme web site (didn’t search for a long time though) …

could someone tell me what’s the download size of jME (jar + bindings).

The demos weight 16Mb … I guess it’s mostly data

I’m just curious :slight_smile:



JME is pretty modular, you include which bits you want. For my current development, space hulk, I get to include 1.8 megs of stuff.

If I’d included the Collada loader rather than converting to .jme files before hand it would have jumped by some 6 meg or something. Luckily it’s all options with JME.


great, thanks !

Hej, Lilian, jme guy now ? ;D ;D

(Beware, the xith sect is watching you ;D )

no, just curious ;D ;D ;D

ahm I wonder how much xith3d+xithtk does weight…
But anyway we should split up the tk (well, it’s release) because you almost never need the whole.