
Hello everybody.

I’m making a game for this year 4k contest. It’s 80% finished and I’m just wondering what you think about it. The goal of the game is to place tokens as close to the target of the same color as possible. The closer you put it - more points you get.

Here’s the controls:
LMB - fire (the power is proportional to how long you hold button pressed)
RMB, cursor left-right - change current token,
n - next level
r - replay level

Actually I’ve stolen the idea from the flash game. But flash game has also “borrowed” idea from the Curling (that game with ice and granite disks you know). So I’m not feeling guilty.

Looks cool, reminds me of Drag/Morres styling. The line for shooting out the curling stone seems to be the in the wrong direction for me though.


PS. Are we going to post these in the 4k forum like last time - it’s easier to keep track of the 4k entries that way.

My first thought after placing one in the middle was “Wow, 37 out of 30 points, that must be a bug.”

I recommend having “Score: 37” and “Target: 30” as separate strings instead, that would make things more clear.
Another suggestion is making it slightly easier to do slow shots. Right now, the way to do this is to wait until the meter’s maxed out and starts decreasing again. A few possible suggestions for making the meter easier to use:

  1. Make the meter show more clearly when very low (right now it’s painted under the object, so you don’t see it).
  2. Make the meter slower.
  3. Make the speed logaritmical (that is, slower increase in the beginning).

I don’t think you should do all of these, I’m just suggesting that you try one or two of them out and see if it helps. :slight_smile:

Anyway, game plays great! Good work! :slight_smile:

EDIT: By the way, I’d been thinking of doing Couronne4k - but now it feels too similar to this :wink:
EDIT2: Also, I agree with kev - post in the 4k forum instead. Could an admin move this thread to the 4k 2009 forum please?

Looks pretty cool! It seems like the meter has the potential to go way too high, though (I mean more power than you will ever need). The majority of the precision needed is in the first third of the meter.

Thanks for great replies! They are very helpful. BTW that’s my first ever entry to 4k contest so that’s pretty important for me to make nice game.

[quote]EDIT: By the way, I’d been thinking of doing Couronne4k - but now it feels too similar to this
Believe me or not last year I had an idea to create a game similar to thief4k (but instead of stealing diamonds I planned to let player kill guards to escape from prison). I even started to write code (but never finished) :slight_smile:

[quote]EDIT2: Also, I agree with kev - post in the 4k forum instead. Could an admin move this thread to the 4k 2009 forum please?
Agree. Sorry for misplacing post.

I think the speed of the granite disk is CPU speed dependant, as on my Intel Q6600 only the first 10-20% of the ‘bar’ results in reaching the target, not overshooting it.

My first thought was that maybe it was too simple, but the gameplay was there. It is fun! More levels! :slight_smile: