
I just recently started getting interested in games development using J2ME. My question is probably rather silly, but I am a little confused on it.

When making games for these devices, which technology package should you use? More than one? You still require the the J2SE dev kit in order to compile your code the documentation says, but for games what packages are required, would all three (CLDC, MIDP, and Wireless Toolkit) be required? The documentation seems to indicate that the MIDP reqlies on the CLDC, and the WT relies on the MIDP… so I would think all would be needed, or not? confusion hehe, if someone can explain I’de appreciate it.

okay yes of course you want j2se becaus ethe IDE you used wil run on that…

as far as wtks you wan tthe one for the target ddevice if possible…

the libs that you include are contained within the wtk and thus you will point to thi smidpapi library within your ide…

From all the examples I’ve seen only use the MIDP package, and if I use something like notepad, or just a generic text editor, would that be all I need? I dont want some big bulky disgusting IDE that makes me want to puke (IMO). The MIDP also has MIDP.EXE which seems to be a Cell Phone emulator (generic?). So I dunno, maybe you can explain it better.

Go here:

Yes, you want the Wireless Toolkit. Yes you want jEdit for an editor. If you don’t believe me, find your own answers. Sun’s site has plenty of them :slight_smile:

I was actually asking if it could be possible to just use the MIDP package.