I know that by default there is BACK face culling but what if I’m loading a set of triangles that I don’t know which way the winding goes and I want to cull both sides, how do I get this to work?
I did set in my init():
also, when rendering I tried to set
// cull both sides
.... render my triangles ....
// reset the culling to be back face again
When I do GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK culling then I don’t see anything in my scene…none of the triangles.
When I simply use GL.GL_FRONT I now see the triangles that I didn’t when using GL.GL_BACK.
I don’t know what else I can do to get the triangles to show up correctly…I can’t believe that I would have to do a winding test on each triangle that I draw and then set the appropriate culling based on that winding because that would make no sense, especially since I’m currently trying to use VBOs and this would not be possible, per se. I know there must be some other problem that I’m encountering and why GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK is not working as I had expected…anyone have ideas?