Cube world RAM optimalizations

Like in topic - does anyone have ideas how to optimize cube world game RAM usage?

Currently I am using this system (<> = reference to children in parent and reference to parent in children, > = only reference to children in parent):

World<>Chunk>Entity (one instance per type)>Model (one instance per mesh and texture)

I am rendering world with view radius 16 (33X33 chunks). Each chunk have 16X256X16 size, but only 16X80X16 is filled.

This system have one big issue - Tile don’t “know” its parent and location.

RAM usage: 520 mb

Previously I was using this system:

World<>Chunk<>Tile (store x, y, z, chunk and entity references)>Entity (one instance per type)>Model (one instance per mesh and texture)

RAM usage (map with the same size): 1,5 gb