I’ve got a problem:
Currently I do this in the reshape method of GLAutodrawable:
/* Setup the projection matrix. */
gl.glMatrixMode( GL.GL_PROJECTION );
final Camera3D camera = getCamera();
final double fov = Math.toDegrees( camera.getAperture() );
final double aspect = width/height;
final double near = _frontClipDistance;
final double far = _backClipDistance;
final double zoom = camera.getZoomFactor();
final GLU glu = new GLU();
if ( _projectionPolicy == Projector.PERSPECTIVE )
glu.gluPerspective( fov , aspect , near , far );
gl.glOrtho( -width /2.0,width/2.0,-height/2.0,height/2.0 , near , far);
The only thing I do in the init() method is this:
/* Enable depth buffering. */
gl.glEnable( GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST );
gl.glDepthFunc( GL.GL_LEQUAL );
The Perspective view is 100% correct, but the Parallel view appears way too small, about 1/4-5th of what it’s supposed to be. I know what it’s supposed to be because the same model/view is implemented already in java3d and java2d. I’ve tried a bunch of options, but none seem to work.
Can anyone help me with this?